Monday 20 April 2009

Pearls don't just go with twinsets you know!

I've made a couple of little pearl bracelets over the last night or two, and it got me thinking about how pearls are perceived.
So many people think of pearls, and think of lavender perfume, twinsets and their nana! They don't have to be like that (am I just being defensive, because as I write this, I have on a single string of white pearls and a cardigan....?).

Pearls come in so many shapes and colours right now, as the growing, and dying techniques have improved so much in recent decades. The can come in hearts, or diamond shapes, and literally every colour of the rainbow. They are so versatile - they can make something look a bit vintage, or chic and elegant, or kitsch or unique - I think this is why they are probably my favourite material to work with.

I have turned into a bit of a pearl 'geek' since I've been making jewellery, and have read everything there is to read on them - I have written a little piece on them for a gallery which sells my work - you can read it here:

I've included photos of a couple of my new pearl bracelets - my 'jelly tots' bracelet - multi-coloured nugget pearls, and my white pearl and open heart bracelet....hopefully they don't evoke lavender and old folks homes for you......

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